You just got your first hot tub. Congrats! It’s a very exciting time, and I know you’re ready to jump in and enjoy it. I wanted to write up my experience filling a hot tub to hopefully save you some time and frustration. This guide assumes you’re planning to run a hot tub with chlorine. […]
Is Muriatic Acid Safe for A Hot Tub? Exploring the Benefits
Muriatic Acid is a popular way to reduce pH and Total Alkalinity in a swimming pool, but does it have a place for stand alone hot tubs? Why would you choose to use Muriatic Acid in a hot tub over something like pH down (Dry Acid)? Is it safe for a hot tub? Let’s begin […]
Will Bleach Hurt Your Hot Tub? Find Out the Truth
If you’ve been around online hot tub communities for any amount of time, you’ve no doubt heard of people using bleach to sanitize their hot tub. It’s often claimed to be a low cost and practical way to maintain free chlorine levels without adding CYA which can cause chlorine to be less effective. Hot tub […]
Understanding the Role of Chlorine in Hot Tubs
Overview Chlorine is both a sanitizer and an oxidizer and makes it an ideal choice for making sure your hot tub is ready for a soak. Two important parameters for hot tub owners to track are free chlorine (FC) and combined chlorine (CC). Why does this matter? Sanitizers kill harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and […]
CYA in Hot Tub: Understanding the Benefits and Drawbacks
Overview Cyanuric Acid (CYA) stabilizes chlorine in a hot tub making it last longer. Why does this matter? CYA buffers chlorine and that leads to two important outcomes: Sounds great, right? Well like anything, the devil is in the details. As CYA increases, so does the amount of chlorine needed to properly sanitize water. So […]
Understanding the Impact of Hardness on Hot Tub Maintenance
Overview Calcium Hardness (CH) is another important parameter to follow when managing a hot tub. It contributes to having balanced water that is neither corrosive nor scale forming. Why does this matter? It’s important to distinguish the importance of calcium hardness based on the type of hot tub you own. For modern acrylic or fiberglass […]